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Our work (and this site) is devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you automate, grow and scale your practice.


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#44 How To Avoid Leakage In New Patient Conversion & Track Marketing Performance

Oct 12th, 2019

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Information Explored in this Podcast:

The following is just some of the information that we’ve covered in this podcast, in case you wanted to skip ahead and explore a specific topic.

  • Do You Know How to Track New Marketing Performance? [1:56]
  • How Robust is Your CRM? [5:40]
  • Recommending a Great CRM For Your Practice [7:07]

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Links Mentioned in the Podcast:

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The Online Marketing For Doctors podcast is designed to help you, the motivated healthcare practitioner, to implement clever effective marketing ideas that you can use to GROW and SCALE your practice into the empire it deserves to be.

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Hi, I'm Huyen
Our work (and this site) is devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you automate, grow and scale your practice.


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Huyen: You have run decent online and offline marketing campaigns and you’ve seen a good flow of leads coming in, but you don’t know why many of them haven’t booked in a consultation or come in to the practice? Or some practices don’t know why their revenue has gone down this year compared to the same time last year, despite more marketing efforts.

In this podcast, we are going to talk about how to avoid leakage in new patient conversion & tracking your marketing performance.


Podcast intro


Steve: Hello and welcome to another episode of Online Marketing For Doctors podcast. I’m your host Steven Tait, and my co-host from the intro is Huyen Truong. If you are new to this podcast channel or to us, our mission for Online Marketing For Doctors is to be the leading digital marketing agency in the world for providing the best resources to help practices automate their business, to grow and scale faster. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast by hitting that little bell button (Ding Sound), so you never miss out on a future episode.


Huyen: I love this topic.  Finding new ways to secure more new patient leads is always so fulfilling.  And it sounds pretty easy, you market to potential audiences, get a lead and your goal is to convert them into a patient. But this is actually harder than it sounds. Especially with interactive marketing channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, we’re constantly interrupting a prospects social media use, and so a lot of them won’t follow-up on ads they see.  Or worse, they click on your ads/offers, and don’t come in after they’ve signed up for that entry level or foot in the door offer.

Steve: Yes, I agree, another problem for a lot of practices is that they haven’t been able to or don’t know how to track their marketing performance, where are these new patients coming from and what services have generated you the most revenue. We talked to a practice last week who complained about a recent downturn in their revenue this past year, despite apparently running a well-performing Google ads campaign.

We helped them diagnose the situation and found out that there is no new patient tracking from the reception front end, they had no idea where their new patients are coming from? What is the retention rate of existing patients, how many of them come back for their health check, and there was no internal marketing campaign in place to activate and remind existing patients to come back for a periodical health check.

Huyen: The result of this analysis was that we found out that there was actually a decrease in existing/returning patients. So despite the Google ads campaign still running well and bringing them new patients, it wasn’t enough to make up for the loss of the existing patient revenue.

Steve: Yes, definitely, being able to track results is critical in marketing. If you can’t track results, than you can’t manage your marketing effort properly. We’ve had to tell this many times to healthcare professionals.

Now before we get to the next critical issue for conversions, if you are a loyal follower of our podcasts or newsletters, you’ll know we’ve been pushing our online webinar course, and I just wanted to slide in one more quick promo…have a listen…


Webinar Course Promo


Huyen: Yes, that course can really help a practice that is looking to automate through webinars really grow and scale quickly.  But let’s get back to the podcast…

Steve: Absolutely…Another critical issue in conversions is lead follow-ups and creating multiple touch points to drive more conversions. New patient leads now can come in from many different channels. They can contact you via email, phone call, sms, Facebook messenger…you name it…and you need a robust CRM (Client Relationship Management) system to manage this. Most of the practices rely on their medical software to do this but those software can be very clunky and not designed for marketing or with a sales purpose.

Huyen: A good CRM should be able to help you tag in new patient leads by source so you know where the leads are coming from and you can see all of the communications with this lead from all channels through a singular platform. It can schedule sequences of emails, sms, ringless voicemail for different situations such as a booking cancellation, new appointment booking, after service review and feedback, patient review generation campaigns etc etc etc…

Steve: You can even schedule a reminder email message to your own staff to remind them to contact a patient after a certain date for their next appointment. Your staff can call prospects or existing patients from the platform as well and all the calls are recorded; which is a great feature to have especially if you have a call centre that is dedicated to following up on new leads.

Huyen: With your online and offline marketing efforts you can track the source of your leads via free software such as Google Analytics and paid software for call tracking (for both online and offline).

We have done the research on the best CRMs for medical practices and the most robust one that can follow up and manage leads effectively, integrate email marketing and automation, create appointment bookings & scheduling and handle reputation management is Go High Level. Our agency uses it for our clients, and we’d be happy to work with you if you were interested in getting something like this for your practice. Contact us today.  We get nothing from the company, we aren’t associated with them in any way, but we believe in its capabilities, and we just want to find the best solution for practices.

Steve: Indeed… the good news for practices is that we have also managed to get a very good whole sales price for our subscribers so reach out to us if you need help setting up this new CRM, and any automated follow-up sequence you are creating for your practice. Just know that if you are already using Keap or Active Campaign or any other software, you can send automated follow-up emails and texts with their add-on extensions or credit.  We are happy to give you a tour of the software and answer any questions that you may have for your practice, get in touch if you are interested.

Huyen: Well, we have come to the end of today’s podcast. Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye for now.

Check out the software called Go High Level. It is a powerful tool that can handle all of these touch points for you automatically.  Just set it once, and forget it. It’s our favourite type of system! We offer a special rate for this software package, so if you are thinking about signing up for this software, please let us know. We can also help you setup auto response sequences to save you time and increase new patient conversion rate.

Steve: We’d also like to hear from you too…what is your key takeaway from today’s episode that you would like to take some time over the next few days to start implementing? Or have you tried a CRM and has it worked well for you?  Our healthcare professional community would love and appreciate your input. Add your comments below, or send us an email with your thoughts.

Be sure to keep in touch with us so we can continue to bring you the best marketing strategies and tactics to grow and scale your practice.  And don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast channel, so you never miss another one! We’ve got more great content planned for future shows so you won’t want to miss them.

We look forward to seeing you next time!


Show note:

CRM for healthcare practices: https://gohighlevel.com/home-page

Podcast #33: How to Use Direct Response Marketing to Grow Your Practice With Dr Obinna Nwobi from Vascular Health Center https://onlinemarketingfordoctors.com/podcast/how-to-use-direct-response-marketing/

Podcast #23: 7 Tips to Make Sure Leads Become Actual Patients https://onlinemarketingfordoctors.com/podcast/tips-to-make-sure-leads-become-actual-patients/

Webinar Marketing System https://onlinemarketingfordoctors.com/webinar-marketing-system/

20 Ideas for Foot In The Door Offers: https://onlinemarketingfordoctors.com/fitd-offers/

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