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How To Get As Many Doctor Referrals As You Can Possibly Handle Thumbnail podcast

Sep 29th, 2022

Are you unhappy with the small number of doctors referring to your practice?


  • Are you a new practice and need to establish relationships with local doctors for referrals but have no idea where to start?
  • Are you unhappy about the quality of referrals doctors are sending you?
  • Are these referrals inconsistent, sometimes slow and often non-existent?

In this episode, I’m going to talk about how to build a consistent and effective nurturing campaign to bring more referrals from general practices to your practice using a strategy called the Dream 100 Referrals.

So check out our latest podcast about “How To Get As Many Doctor Referrals As You Can Possibly Handle ”

Thank you for checking it out!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Discovery call booking link:

7 Figure Samurai Sword Sales Guide For Clinics:

We’ve talked a lot about similar topics in our previous episodes, here are the links to check them out…


Hi, I'm Huyen
Our work (and this site) is devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you automate, grow and scale your practice.


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Are You Unhappy With the Small Number of Doctors Referring To Your Practice?


  • Are you a new practice and need to establish relationships with local doctors for referrals but have no idea where to start?
  • Are you unhappy about the quality of referrals doctors are sending you?
  • Are these referrals inconsistent, sometimes slow and often non-existent?

In this episode, I’m going to talk about how to implement this little known but effective medical marketing strategy called the Dream 100 Best Referrals that will generate as many new patients as you can possibly handle.

The Dream 100 Strategy - The Sales Strategy Used To Win Huge Clients or Doctor Referrals

It's the 80/20 rule in action: “80% of your results come from only 20% of your clients or patients.” The Dream 100 Sales Strategy (originated by the late Chet Holmes) is a balance of attracting both great and dream clients or patients.

I came across this strategy by reading one of my favourite books of all times – Ultimate Sales Machine written by Chet Holmes, I have listened to the audio version of this book over and over again, I lost count of times, every time I listen or read it, I found something interesting.

How The Dream 100 Strategy Got Started

Chet Holmes worked for Charlie Munger, one of the most celebrated investors in the world. He was a salesman at Munger’s company, where he had to make a hundred calls per day. However, he wasn’t happy with the results.

He noticed that the top salesperson in the company was a woman making three times as many sales as the runner-up. Wanting to learn her secret, he repeatedly asked her for help.

One day, the woman finally gave in and took him to lunch.

She explained that her secret involved only focusing on ideal clients.

With this new knowledge, Holmes went through his list of 2,200 leads and chose 167 of the most promising to focus on.

Fast forward six months… And Holmes didn’t close a single deal.


Munger thought so as well. When he reached out to Holmes to find out what was wrong, Holmes asked for Munger’s trust.

Five minutes later, Holmes closed the first deal. And in the next six months, he closed 11 more, including some of the largest orders in the company’s history.

Chet Holmes says:

The goal of the Dream 100 is to take your ideal buyers from “I’ve never heard of this company” to “What is this company I keep hearing about?” to “I think I’ve heard of that company” to “Yes, I’ve heard of that company” to “Yes, I do business with that company.”

Holmes went on to develop The Dream 100 Sales Strategy, a more affordable and effective way to land dream clients.

We have had the opportunity to implement this dynamic and impactful Dream 100 referral strategy for some of our medical practice clients with incredible results. This is a unique and game-changing strategy that will grow your practice faster than many other marketing strategies.

How Could This Strategy Work For Your Practice?

Most of the GPs or doctors out there are not ready to refer patients to a new practice right now, only 3% of your ideal GPs are, the remaining of 97% are not.

Because of this, you want a strategy that puts you on their radar, allows you to stay top of mind, and pre-emptively positions you as the obvious choice the moment they find themselves ready to look at what you have to offer.

Therefore, you need a persistent, long-term plan to build up awareness with your prospective referring doctors to start receiving patient referrals from them.

The goal of the Dream 100 is to take the best suited prospective referring doctors from “I’ve never heard of this practice” to “What is this practice I keep hearing about?” to “I think I’ve heard of that practice” to “Yes, I’ve heard of that practice” to “Yes, I do refer my patients to that practice.”

The Dream 100 Referrals Strategy

They are the top 100 (or 20 or 30) potential referring doctors in your area that would bring you enough patients to keep your practice happily operating with no other sources of patients.

The "dream" referring doctors will make up 60%–80% of your referred patients. It’s the 80/20 rule in action: “80% of your results come from only 20% of your GP partners.”

As part of this strategy, we create clever, fun and quirky marketing materials and nurture them to your targeted GPs consistently through multiple channels such as emails, direct mail, social media, SMS, and even phone calls.

We will help you by:

  • Identify your Dream 100 Referring Doctors (they could be GPs or other specialists)
  • Creating an impressive initial offer, such as an exclusive special report on a topic of high interest, a seminar or a VIP event they can attend.
  • Creating and sharing impressive memorable messages, and small gifts with them via email, post, fax and telephone.
  • Creating a strategy to convert potential referring doctors that came through the initial offer into loyal long-term partners.
  • Setting up the multi-channel campaigns of a 12-month duration, including content creation, email automation, direct mail campaigns, cold calling (unlimited number of contacts)
  • We will help you source and purchase creative give-aways to be sent by direct mail as part of the campaign.
  • Designing and conducting a telemarketing campaign to reach out to targeted GPs on a weekly basis (unlimited number of contacts).

If you want to learn more about me and how our team can help you generate more new patients and referring doctors by using this Dream 100 referral strategy, please reach out to us and book your 15 min discovery call with me and I’ll show you the current problems and opportunities that you might have with your practice marketing.

Thanks so much and hope to talk to you in our discovery call soon.

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