Where are my target patients hanging out now? (a voice over from Steve)
Welcome to OMD TV & Podcast Show – the place to be to grow and scale your practice.
Every year, tens of thousands of businesses start and fail because they don’t understand this essential skill: the art and science of getting prospective traffic.
Waiting for people to come to you is not a strategy. But understanding exactly who your dream target patient is, discovering where they’re hanging out, and throwing out hooks that will grab their attention to pull them into your sales funnels is the correct strategy. And how you accomplish that, it doesn’t have to be a big secret.
As I mentioned in the episode “3 Key Marketing Questions You Need To Answer”; there are 3 main foundational questions that you need to be able to answer to better accelerate your practice’s marketing efforts;
- Question 1: Who is your dream patient?
- Question 2: Where are they hanging out?
- Question 3: How can we create a hook that grab their attention and bring them to our clinic?
When you have the perfect vision of who your dream patient or client is, it becomes easy to find where they are congregating.
On the other hand, if you don’t have perfect clarity on who that person is, it’s really hard to find them.
Once you identify your target audience’s detailed persona, including their pains and desires in detail, what you need to do next is to figure out where they are spending their time online for sending them targeted messages.
I was introduced to the concept of the “Dream 100” when I was reading one of the current best-selling digital marketing books called Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson which is the idea of identifying the top 100 tribes that thousands of your target audience are already active members of and finding a way to infiltrate these tribes for displaying your targeted message to these tribe members. And then this will take our ideal buyers from “I’ve never heard of this clinic?” to “What is this clinic I keep hearing about?”.
The goal of this exercise is to find out where these dream patients are hiding? If you don’t truly understand your dream patients, everything we talked about earlier, then it will be hard to find them. But if you really understand them, then you should already know where they’re congregating.
One time, Russell was at an event in Puerto Rico, and he had a chance to spend time with Rachel Hollis, the author of the #1 New York Times best-seller Girl, Wash Your Face. He asked her the secrets of selling over a million copies of her books, and she told him;
We asked ourselves this question: “What are the tribes that my women are already in? What Facebook groups, what Instagram channels, what hashtags are they following?” After we identified these things, we tried to figure out who are the tribe owners of these women. Who do we need to become friends with? Anyone who had over 200,000 followers, we would direct message (DM) them, tell them who we were, and ask them if we could talk. We started messaging everyone. Our focus was to find the tribes, and then figure out the best ways to infiltrate them.
That is the Dream 100 method! She didn’t call it that, but that’s exactly what she had done to quickly become one of the best-selling authors of all time.
At this point, some of you may be thinking… “But Huyen, I’m not selling a book or a product online. I’m a local brick-and-mortar business trying to generate local leads online!”. Don’t worry, this strategy still works, even though you will need to look at it a little differently.
When building your Dream 100 list, instead of identifying the national influencers or leaders in your niche, you need to identify your local influencers. This concept works for my business and every business. Period.
In order to find out where these ideal dream patients are congregating online, here are some questions that you should be asking yourself:
- What are the top websites that my dream patients visit?
- What forums or message boards do they participate in?
- What magazines do they flip through?
- What Facebook groups are they engaged in?
- Who are the influencers that they follow on Facebook and Instagram?
- What podcasts do they listen to?
- What are the email newsletters that they are subscribed to?
- What blogs do they read?
- What channels are they following on YouTube?
- What keywords are they using in Google or YouTube searches to find information?
Answering these questions will help you to start identifying where your dream patient personas are residing. Once you know where they’re congregating online, it’s pretty easy to put your targeted messages and hooks in front of them to pull them into your sales funnels.
By doing this exercise, you’ll able to reach your targeted audience directly through the relationship that we have created with the owner of these tribes, producing a much more effective Return on Investment than simple mass media targeting.
When done right, harnessing the power of social influencers, affiliate and referral partners can drive incredible awareness of your expertise in your niche, increasing engagement and patient enquiries. The key here is finding the people and referrals that your profiled typical patient follows and trusts.
Your network of affiliates can help you reach thousands or even millions of your desired target audience. Instead of just relying on your own email list, what if you found 10, 20 or 100 affiliates who each had an email list of tens of thousands of people, you could quickly reach millions!
The amount of leverage you get when you build an affiliate program and leverage the efforts of other people is huge.
When you find those people and places, your work effort is centred on trying to get those people and places to mention, review or promote you, your work and/or your practice.
For example, now that you have this great new book that you create for your target audience that you are using as the lead magnet , you can use that book to reach out to social media influencers, affiliate partners or your referring doctors, and ask them to feature your book on their website, newsletter or in social media posts.
Answering these questions will help you to start identifying where your dream patient personas are residing. Once you know where they’re hanging out online, it’s pretty easy to put out your targeted messages to them, getting your necessary hooks into them, for pulling them into your sales funnels.
Now, if you aren’t confident about your hooks, or how well you’re drawing people in, and you want to learn more about how to drive more of your ideal patients into your sales funnel using targeted messages and hooks, I suggest that you attend our webinar called 3 Must-Use Strategies to Generate More New Patients and Referrals on Autopilot.
Spending one quick hour with me in that webinar will help you to master the fine art of driving more traffic to your clinic, and ensure that you are successfully generating all of the business traffic that you can, instead of just hoping that they will just show up, simply because you built it.
I’ll leave the link to the webinar in the show notes below, so that you can sign up for it there.
Thanks for watching and I hope to see you in our webinar soon.
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